About Us
We document and analyze the details of the patient and his or her family regarding the prakriti (body type), diet, daily regimen, occupational and seasonal regimen, allergies, digestion power, mental power, physical strength and many such issues that are responsible for the condition of the health and diseases. On the basis of this analysis we impart with the patient the knowledge about Lifestyle Management, for example, a suggestion about the food habits regarding what, when and how much to eat.
The consultation includes advices about total health care, lifestyle, psychology, behavior and spiritual way of life. The therapies include:
(® Rejuvenation (Rasayana) therapy that provides the rasayana (liquids) that keeps one fit in accordance with the age.
(® Panchakarma therapy which rejuvenates biological systems of body by taking care of the requirements for detox procedures and other constituent therapies.
(® Rehabilitation therapies for non- recurrence of diseases.
The other services and methodologies include stress management, aesthetics and beauty care, diet and cooking advices, management of oral hygiene and care of ear, nose, throat, child health care management and baby massage, prenatal and post natal care like Swarnaprashana, knowledge of sexual behavior and Kamashastra, management of life style / NCD disorders, of chronic and incurable diseases, and of iatrogenic disorders, adverse and toxic effects of modern drugs.
In the entire process of health care and treatment our team functions in a highly ethical manner. The code of conduct that we follow derives from a Sanskrit phrase ‘aartah putravat achariyat that entails treating the patient at the highest level of importance. We abide to provide safe and comfortable environment to the patients. Professionalism is maintained within the clinic and all the services and advices are provided in an honest and unbiased manner for the greatest benefit of the patient. As followers of the Ayurveda medicinal practice, we do not in any way, harm our nature and environment
ArogyaLaxmi is one of a kind health care center for its contribution in creating salutogenesis. In our logo the capital ‘A” stands for Arogya, i.e., health in all respect (mental, physical, social and spiritual), and the leaf intersecting the letter ‘A’ denotes ‘L for Laxmi, which represents the herbal wealth of Ayurveda. The word AyurvedoAmritanam is a sacred term from Charak Samhita and it means that Ayurveda is an ageless science and the nectar of life. The name ArogyaLaxmi as a combination of two words arogya meaning health and laxmi meaning wealth, which also propagates the idea that ‘Health is Wealth’. The tagline, ‘Learn to Earn Health’ means every patient has all rights to learn to regain/maintain his health under the guidance of a learned experienced physician, as the physicians duty isn’t limited to just prescribing medicines. It also includes distribution of knowledge that would help maintain that health.
This is a full-fledged Ayurveda clinic equipped with all requisites for the services and treatments provided. Our team here comprising of a group of learned and most experienced clinicians, pharmacy experts, drug experts, therapists, academic stalwarts, diagnostic experts, and traditional healers, who are working in all corners of the globe, will share its knowledge and consultation on a regular basis. Through this team, the organization procures and processes best drugs from original sources, conducts weekly academic discussions with MD and PhD scholars, and organizes webinars/online classes /discussions for inquisitive scholars of Ayurveda.
We work through a system of online registry, consultation and regular follow ups to provide ultimate healthcare which includes everything. From providing the knowledge about simple Ayurveda formulations for common ailments in every home to Ayurveda cooking advices: what, when and how to cook the healthy food.